Monday, March 9, 2009

Hakuna Matata, what a wonderful phrase.

It's been such a long time and so many exciting things have happened! I will start with this past weekend and work my way back depending on how much time I have!
I was thinking yesterday, when I look back in a year- or whenever someone asks me what the craziest, most wild thing I have ever done- I will be able to answer this time! On the 8th of March, 2009 at 9:41 I was dangling from the highest bungy jump in the world-- and loving it! Yesterday was just amazing. I said before I left that if I met people while I was here and a group of us wanted to- then I would jump, but otherwise it was never something I had pictured myself doing in my life. Well, this was one of the very first trips that we planned when we arrived- and so many people wanted to do it, we had a group of 20 go, and 18 jumped! Two even did it twice, going backwards the second time! There really aren't words to describe it, such a rush, so breathtaking and ridiculously amazing. Adrenaline rush for sure! And yet so unbelievable at the same time. i ended up jumping second out of all of us, so i didn't even get to watch the video of anyone going before! When we arrived we went down to register (sign our lives away practically) got the harnesses and made the jot down to the bridge. For so many people the bridge was the scariest part, after all it was a long way down! I didn't mind the walk, the view was gorgeous. To the left through the mountains was the ocean and to the right were rolling mountains one after another, and we were looking down into the valley with a little stream at the bottom.. one of those moments worth living for. Of course wanting to psych myself up as much as possible, I'm singing and dancing along the bridge. When we got to the platform in the middle of the bridge where we jump from the crew met us and they were awesome! They were so enthusiastic and so fun. They started playing music as soon as we got there and all of us just started dancing right away, freaking out but extra excited. One lady who wasn't with our group jumped before us, then they called Nick to go next and then right after he had his foot harnesses/pad things on, they called me. I was like- wait, me Steph or the other Steph??! I couldn't believe I was going second! I didn't even get to watch anyone else go, it was just boom boom boom- the only moment I was hesitant was right before when I haddd to jump, but everything was so unreal, so amazing!
Ok enough about that! We all finished and all survived, and we all jumped, just like we knew would! Even two girls who didn't want to go decided that they wanted to when we all got back! So while waiting for them, we enjoyed a few spirits and some pizza, and overall it was a good day. Even ate some yummy Chinese last night because we went out to continue Kevin's birthday celebration. Seems like there have been lots of birthdays! Friday was Kari's and we went out to a place called Ginger for that for a lovely dinner, and last Saturday was Lauren's where we went to the Cheetah farm and then to Addo National Park, home to over 400 elephants! So cool, they walk around almost completely ignore the fact that you are there- they don't run away from you or hide because they have never been shot at (apparently there are some gaming tours where they have shot at them so there is less of a chance you might see the elephants or other wild animals while you're driving through. At the Cheetah park we all got to pet and play with a Cheetah, trained of course. Then on the other side of this fence was this amazing lion den... absolutely amazing! The baby lions were just months old and we could actually hold them, yes hold lions, it was so amazing! I took so many pictures that day, we won't even get into that.
Shout out to Kari for helping me with the layout of my blog.. might be a bit bright and take some getting used to, but I have wanted it customized for so long now! And now I actually understand (somewhat) of how to do it!
So, I have yet to ever buy my own meat to cook (honestly, at home and here) and tonight when I got back from Kragga Kamma Game Park my Norwegian friends were Braaing and I just went to talk to them, and our whole dinner turned into an entire feast! It was amazing, possibly the best dinner I have had here in Port Elizabeth! We braaiied/grilled the steaks, and potatoes and had a delicious salad (I'm in love with feta by the way), corn, yummy Norwegian sauce that you can only get there, grilled tomatoes, and a few other things. It was so delicious! And great company. The Norwegians have taken me in as one of them and now I am just one of the girls. They often forget that I'm not truly one of the girls and continue to speak Norwegian to me until I remind them that I actually can't understand them, but I'm learning a little more Norwegian every day. So fun! Well my internet is kind of going in and out and I don't want to lose what I have typed, so for now, goodnight sweethearts, goodnight! Much love =)

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