Saturday, July 10, 2010

City Adventures

Part of the reason I love going a new place or getting a new job is that they just know you, for who you are and present to them. In the simplest terms, to them, right now, I am a ginger. A red head. They never saw the natural hair color of strawberry blonde or the bleached out summer blonde I rocked this time last year. And in more real terms, the true friends are the ones who don't have to question, doubt or wonder who you are. So maybe right now I decide that I like the deep auburn color of my hair and in a few years it will be different: no big, right? In the same sense, people who meet you along the way will know you with the information that you present them with.

Not sure if this makes sense. I told my mom today on the phone that I need to move to Denver because I need to find friends who will go to the farmer's market with. While that is exaggerated and dramatic, it is also somewhat true. My friends have a special place in my heart for certain reasons, but at the same time I am missing a few different things. I want someone to be adventurous in the city with! And I feel like I barley know or appreciate Omaha for what it has to offer. Today I checked two things off my list that I have been waiting to do: 1- farmer's market! and 2- the 13th street coffee shop! I plan on driving down to that coffee shop at least once a week, even if it is just to find out the latest fun happenings in Omaha. I saw a poster and absolutely loved what a United Methodist Church was advertising and now that is next to do on my to do list! In the same way that IV caught my eye at school: good graphics and social justice.

"You'll find that life is still worthwhile if you just smile"
-Smile, Charlie Chaplan

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