Monday, February 16, 2009

A little this, a little that.

I would like to give you a short glimpse/small picture of a few of the things so far...
I put sunscreen on everyday when I walk to class.
It is not uncommon for people to not wear shoes in the grocery store (young and old and families alike).
Module=class, venue=time
Q = line (to stand in to check out)
Not uncommon for people to ask you to hold their spot in the long Q and then walk back right before check out and step back into their spots.
Mints are served after every meal.
No separate checks!
Food=long event, allow time.
Not all milk needs to be cold.
Black tea with sugar and milk is my new favorite.
On your walk anywhere hearing honking and TOWNTOWN or DOWNTOWN yelled over and over is something I have learned to tune out.
There were 18 forrest fires on the western part of South Africa this past weekend, we had all the rain, more than what is common for this time of year.
There is a difference between now, now now, just now and right now. May take anywhere between 2 mintues and 2 hours...
Sweatpants just may be nonexistant here.
Not many local wear sunglasses it seems.
Braai = BBQ, big social event, very fun!
Hot water boilers are standard with kitchen supplies.
Am. fries= chips, chips= crisps. (Doritos= yum!)
They do have McDonalds here, and yes my American friends have ate there (Jessica I have not!!).
It is still risky for me to cross the streets by myself and I still get knocked over or looked at strangely when I walk on the wrong side of the sidewalk.
Nearly all of us American girls are addicted to a cute little cafe/restaurant called Mint and I probably went there 4 or 5 days in a row last week.
The beach is a 15/20 minute walk from where I live.
The grocery store/internet cafe/liquor (spirits) store are all within 15 minutes.
Black Label,similar to NE's Bud Light.
Taxis= cabs, taxis= Mini Bus. So, cab= CALL PANG!, taxi= groups of 4 or more and never after dark.
Nearly everyone, I'd say at least 75% of people I come across/meet ask about Obama and how I feel about it.
I bought a magazine today at the bookstore called Focus on Africa and the cover headline was "Obama on our Mind."
Watch out, the two books I'm reading are about writing and travelling, uh oh! Maybe it means something =).
I have two flat mates from Norway (and then three just across the way), one from Ireland and one from Mankato, MN.
I've met lots of people from Germany, some from Holland, Finland, Switzerland, Botswana, New Zealand and such.
If you've known me more than 5 minutes you have somewhat of an understanding of my love for driving, amazingly I don't miss it but I think it's from the clarity I am gaining from all of the walking and thinking I am doing.. more on that later.
There is a very big dividing difference between the contrasting first world/third world conditions and the closeness they are to one another.. very interesting.
I will be volunteering with a program in a township that is called Learn for Life where we teach valuable life lessons to children.
While we've been here there was a Taxi strike. Very interesting to hear about the outcomes, including people sleeping at their jobs because transportation was just nonexistant.
I use a prepay phone that's call by second, interesting system.
Different experience in being the minority, again, more on that later.
I did my laundry in a laundry mat for the first time, secretly was really excited about it.
I almost got ran over by a taxi on the walk from campus to the gas station/internet cafe/fast food place I am sitting at currently.
I ate sushi, and actually liked it!
I learned how to surf yesterday! And plan on having more lessons on Thursday =)
I am awake almost every morning by 7:30 and ready to go no matter how late I go to bed, suppose I'm just excited!
The pool where I live is about 10 yards from my sliding door.
We are surrounded by a 'gated community' which includes brick walls taller than my head as well as barbed wire.
Sorry ya'll,2 minutes left on the computer.
Can't wait to share more!

I truly feel as if I am experiencing all of my loves and passions here in Port Elizabeth in new ways and new capacities and I cannot wait to see where it leads to in the future.

Need I say it? Sending my love.
Figuring out calling cards so I can make more calls!

Much, much love.

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