Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Greyhound bound...

What a great day! I can’t even explain the feeling that I have right now, pure euphoria? Close enough either way! Amazing seeing as I woke up this morning at 5:30 to finish/start a presentation that I gave at 8:30, okay, 9h00, seeing as it if African time. Surprisingly I actually woke up and even more surprisingly, the presentation went swimmingly! It was on self-esteem and seemed to be a combination of millions of things I have learned in the past, so it rolled off the tongue like a well-known story. My new friends, Natalie, Bonnie and Moji were hard to say goodbye to after spending so much time stressed and worried and always laughing in our youth work classes. Bonnie wants to stay in touch so that she can visit the U.S., Moji has the calm and composure that many well lived 45 year olds would, and Natalie became a good friend in which we could share in daily stresses and always find laughter. She gave me a tour of the Res (dormitories) after class and we walked around, it was lovely! The morning was quite chilly, I even wore long sleeves and a sweatshirt! But by the walk back it was pretty hot. I picked up some last minute presents for the familia and arrived home!
So much to do, so little time::: as always! I cannot believe that in a matter of HOURS I will be in a completely different part of the country and in 24 hours be fully immersed at the Diane Lang Orphanage in Middelburg, South Africa. All this time it has felt as if it were too good to be true, that something was going to happen and the joy and experience would just slip through my fingers, but seeing as the bus tickets are within my reach, I have the cell number of the one who is picking me up and my bags are … ok my bags are not packed, but my list of what to pack is out and ready! I am enjoying one of the most uniquely delicious meals, the last of my milk with the box of Frosted Flakes, which I have been saving for a special occasion that my church sent me in a care package! Yummy!! The only down side to those little boxes is they are single serving and I don’t get to enjoy seconds! Today is going to be my first bus trip ever, and fittingly Miranda Lambert’s song came on my iPod this morning, “I’m on a greyhound bound for nowhere…” Couldn’t help but smile. I’ve heard from a few people that it’s chilly in Middelburg, so I’m glad I was warned so I can pack accordingly. I learned today that there are 2 million orphans in South Africa… wonder how that statistic will come to life over the next few weeks as that name is given a face, a story and names… and that will only be 40-50 children...

Well I'm off! I will update you if I have internet while I'm there, if not, mom and dad I will call you when I arrive, and Jessica I hope you have a safe trip home and a good last few days! Love you three, my trusty readers =)

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