Wednesday, February 18, 2009

15 minutes left to throw me together...

Everything closes early here, so I might have to jet pretty soon, though it's already after 5 here and most likely the Pick n Pay photo place I'm about to head to will most likely be closed, but figured I better say a little hello. Apparently electronics and I are not getting along very well.. or maybe my computer gave something (say a virus??) to my camera making my 600 pictures I have taken thus far not want to come off my camera for all to see and enjoy.. but like the blog name, I'm trying to stay positive and keep a sunny disposition, or at least not have a panic attack, to say the least.
Today was quite an adventure, let me tell you. The detergent I used to wash my laundry last time left lovely stains on all of my whites, so today since the sun was out when I awoke, I decided it would be a prime day to hand wash my laundry. Wow, I was so wrong! Here's a little pointer for the next time you would like to hand wash your laundry:: don't over do it on the soap! Causes a few problems. And maybe a day with winds less than 30 mph would be good, and maybe a day when it didn't start to sprinkle as soon as you were finished (with just the white, giving up on the rest). So maybe if you follow those simple suggestions your experience just might be slightly more successful than I found mine. Whew.
Another rule/guideline to being in another country should be to be flexible. Yes, flexibility is probably a good thing! Learn to go with the flow, and relax right? Yesterday my Norwegian friends asked if I wanted to go to Chinsa for the weekend (you could google it but I might be spelling it wrong). It's pronounced 'sin-sa' by everyone that I've heard and its up the Eastern Coast, which is exciting cause I've only been up the Western Coast so far. If all goes according to plan then I will be leaving tomorrow at 4, so a long weekend away! Very exciting. Probably staying the first night in East London which will be nice to see since so many of our flat mate friends are from there.
Last night was indeed my first night doing our community service projects and I was in the group doing Learn for Life. Walking in I couldn't help but feel slightly hesitant.. on the drive I asked Matt how much further we had and he goes, Just wait. And just like that, crossing one road we went from a developed part of town (Walmer- where the malls are) to the township. Should be interesting to learn more about the dynamics as time goes by. We have the joy of the 4th graders, ten of them.. and we were forewarned before walking in that they were quite the handful so looks like I should have some pretty eventful Tuesdays to look forward to. We are supposed to teach different skills and life lessons every time we go but last night Cathrine, a German intern (I believe..) was leading one on communication. We aren't sure what we will be teaching next week (planning it over lunch tomorrow) but are hoping to have more organized games that don't involve or encourage hitting one another.. it is an experience. One little one's name was Jessica and I would tell you more- well, my lil bud's name was Bululani (thought it was oululani until I made him write it down) but the names are just a bit different, so I'll have to work on that. They were so great though, so full of life and just wanting to run all over the place, so attention spans may be short but hey, just one more thing to help with patience, right? But it's very exciting.
Tonight a group of 30+ of us are heading to a restaurant along the coast called Blue Waters. It's really good, one of the first places we ate here. It's a girls birthday so we are going there and then there is a bar called Barneys next door that has live music on the deck every night, so hopefully the rain will hold off a bit longer or clear off by then.
Let's cross our fingers that my photos are not lost forever..

Sending love =)

(thanks for the inspiration for the title jess)


  1. i love that you did your laundry by hand! (succesful or not!) i love that you are blogging!!! you seriously made my day darling. i can't wait to start reading this consistently :) south africa sounds awesome. beach. coffee shops. new people! new places! community and adventure. aww. awesome love. i miss you, but this makes me feel closer to you. so thanx! muah.

  2. perfect title. perfect blog. perfect break in my day!
    hope you had a fabulous dinner!
    this trip is so YOU its crazy!!
