Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Journal Love

After all, we give so much to our journals, isn't it time they give a little back? With so much going on in life right now, it's a shame and at the same time no wonder that I am constantly in search of motivation, inspiration, aspiration. When in reality it is probably right before my eyes. So often what we are looking for and desire are right there, right there, but we are so caught in going after what is so far that we forget to utilize what is so close. So in the middle of my art attempts at a sketch book, and realizing I hadn't done anything productive for the due day (tomorrow), I decided to start. And like a poorly trained artist I turned on my favorite cd and followed the cords and immersed myself into the feelings the songs created inside of me. But, longing after my own emotions which I have masked over for numerous reasons that shall not be named at this time, I decided to do something that I have been meaning to do for awhile. Pulled out my trusty journal that was given as a gift and has somehow survived almost two years of life. With a broken binding, pages that are faintly the white color they began as and filled with -hundreds of thousands, possibly millions? or words, I began a short random collection of the words my eyes hit first on the pages I turned to. Feeling intrigued myself, I might share it with the cyber world (nearly obvious that no one shall see this) just in case in some day some time in some future, it may become relevant, it is now documented. 
Let us begin...

day one says... story.
strong? courageous. 
just loving. it's amazing to see.

  listen and go.
and create happiness.
so thankful + so blessed.
coming back is always good.
worries of yesterday
become comforts of today.
keep on keepin on.
stories to tell aren't nearly as great as the stories to hear. 
something about today was different...
  lighter heart, smiling was easier... 

play it safe------keep it simple.
ah life, aren't you something....

and for those of you 
who never dared to dream,
    well to you i am sorry.
      for you never saw the sun shine the brightest,
        the wind blow the strongest, or even
    the truth taste the sweetest.
and you may be unaware
that you ever
missed anything...

there is always hope
and *hopefully, always room for love.